I bring to you, a typical blogger lush haul…
I’m sure everyone knows that Lush hold a huge sale just after Christmas, especially if you’re amongst the many many people who queue up online to get hold of some goodies. I couldn’t be bothered with all that but my younger sister was desperate to get on so she waited in the online queue for over 9 hours just to get onto the website. I’d gone to sleep by the time she got on so I never got anything for myself but later on I found out that her and my younger brother had both spent some money and together got me a loaaaaad of goodies. I had no idea but how sweet of them both, I love everything! I’m definitely stocked up for a while on bath bombs and bubble bars, and my room is just smelling gorg.

Northern Lights | Bath Bomb
Not my favourite smelling bath bomb but definitely a pretty one once plonked in the bath! It creates a spiral of bright colours and looks gorgeous, it’s a lovely treat to relax in.
Father Christmas | Bath Bomb
The Father Christmas bath bomb is so confusing, it’s such a pretty pastel pink on the outside and then you pop it in the bath and it’s bright green! So perfect for the festive period though and it has the snow fairy scent so that makes it instantly a winner. I got two of these so I’m very happy!
Butter Bear | Bath Bomb
This is my second butter bear bath bomb. I posted about this recently and said how much I wished I’d bought more because I loved it, so of course I was over the moon to receive another! It’s just the cutest little bath bomb and makes your skin so silky and soft. Not to mention it has a gorgeous vanilla scent!
Golden Wonder | Bath Bomb
I love this one to gift someone at Christmas, just because it’s all cute and actually gift shaped. The scent is really citrus based which I personally love. I haven’t used this yet but I’ve looked it up and it looks like it gives you beautiful golden bubbles followed by green & blue mermaid coloured water goodness. I cannot waittttt to use this!
Luxury Lush Pud | Bath Bomb
This is probably my least favourite appearance wise but it was a completely different story once I put it into my bath, it’s so colourful and it looked so so pretty! If you like pretty pastel coloured baths then this one is a must. It dissolves into beautiful frothy streams of colour and also has a lavender type scent which I really like.

Shoot For The Stars | Bath Bomb
Probably my favourite looking bath bomb overall, I love those gold stars – so pretty! I find this one to be quite sweet scented, it’s kind of like a mix of honey & toffee? I don’t know how to describe it really (I’m literally sat here sniffing it like mad lol) but it’s realllllllly lovely. I love sweet scents so anything like this is heaven to me. I haven’t used this yet as I’m saving it because of how pretty it looks but upon a little google search it looks like it gives a beautiful deep blue bath with streams of golden yellow. Another one I can’t wait to use!
The Christmas Penguin | Bubble Bar
How cute is the Christmas Penguin bubble bar?! So adorbs. This is another one with a citrus based scent and of course you can never go wrong with a bubble bar. If you want a lovely blue silky bubble bath then you cannot go wrong with this little cutie.
Peeping Santa | Bubble Bar
This kinda reminds me of a macaroon for some reason haha! This bubble bar is an incredibly moisturising one and has a strawberry based scent to it which is quite fitting considering it’s bright red. If you like fruity scents then you would love this. It’s not a very festive scented product to say it’s a Santa but who cares? Bubble bars are my fave products to buy from Lush and this one doesn’t disappoint.
The Comforter | Bubble Bar
This wasn’t in the sale nor is it a Christmas Lush goodie but my brother was desperate to get me it even though he had no idea I loved it! The Comforter is an all time fave of mine, I posted a review on it a while back when I’d got it for the first time. It has a blackcurrant scent and it smells absolutely amazing plus it creates the prettiest, bubbliest baths. One of these lasts so many baths too – you can’t go wrong!
Shooting Stars | Soap
The bright colours of this soap aren’t really up my street, however it has such a gorgeous scent to it, it smells like refreshers! (the sweets) I’ve placed this on my shelves in my trinket dish and it’s making my room smell so good. I’ll probably use it eventually but for now I’m happy with the scent it’s infusing my room with. I never buy soaps when I go into Lush but I think I’m going to start buying them as room infusers because you can literally smell them from a mile off!