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The places I’d love to travel to!
I was never big on going travelling in my teens, it was what everyone else wanted to do, but me? Not too bothered. Obviously I love a holiday as much as the next girl, but you know, I wasn’t one of these gals that cared too much about being well travelled. As I got more into photography after starting a blog, I was eager to visit more new places to photograph and this lead me wanting to travel more! I always thought I’d go travelling after uni to be honest but then a baby happened!! So hopefully I will get to travel more as he gets a bit older. Anyway, here are the places currently on my bucket list…
I know everyone goes to Spain but it’s one of those places that’s hot but not too far away and is a perfect family destination when you have a little one! I have been to Spain so many times but I’ve never been to Barcelona and it looks beautiful there. I’ve been looking at dreamy Spanish rentals and wishing I could stay in one! I definitely think this one of my more realistic destinations for now as I can see myself taking Reuben at anytime – the flight wouldn’t be too long, there’s plenty of beaches over there and we all know kids love the beach! Barcelona isn’t too bad on the eyes either, and I’m all for a bit of sun.
New York.
New York has been a place I’m desperate to visit for the longest time. Not only is it hella expensive to go, but I would sure as hell need a ton of money saved for all the makeup I’d want to buy whilst I’m there. There’s so much more to do than just shop too, so many landmarks and tourist spots that I would want to go and see – as well as so many places I’d want to go and eat at! I can’t see myself ticking this one off the list anytime soon but maybe when Ru is older I’ll treat myself to a few nights away and leave him at home, I doubt he would want to spend a holiday trawling through Sephora…
I see photographs of Istanbul all over Instagram everyday and it looks super duper dreamy. I mean my grid would just be absolute insta goals if I went here, I can see it already. I think this is one of my more favourite places to visit as soon as possible because I’m dyyyyyying to go. Definitely somewhere I’d love to visit when Ru is a bit older and I can just walk around photographing everything in sight! (Although I wish I could go now because like, goals.)
Another one just for the #instagoals – I mean obviously I would be going for a holiday too but anywhere that looks as photogenic as this is somewhere I’m desperate to go. When you’re passionate about photography you just feel the need to go anywhere where you will get some beautiful shots, and Copenhagen definitely looks like that sorta place. It looks so colourful too, I bet Reuben would love it there! Copenhagen is the kind of place I can see myself visiting in the winter months rather than summer, I mean I wouldn’t mind either but from looking at photos, it looks frickin’ beaut in winter.
Trying to forget about the fact that I should have already visited Sorrento by now *still sore about the fact that Monarch went bust and ruined my holiday in October* I am still dying to go. Staying somewhere in central Sorrento and spending lots of time on the Amalfi Coast is a dream holiday of mine. Just google images of it – it’s so dreamy! It has to be one of the most Instagrammable places right? I was planning on rebooking it this year, but I decided to buy some new furniture for the house and now I’m starting driving lessons as I feel like travelling will be made 100 times easier once I actually have a car to get to the airport with! I definitely plan to cross this one off my bucket list within the next couple of years so watch this space…
Is Santorini not on everyone’s holiday destination bucket list? I mean, seriously! It looks absolutely beautiful there and I was so so jealous when Faye got to go… the photos she uploaded to instagram were just gorgeous. I can see Reuben loving it here too with the beautiful seas and warm weather, it would be the perfect destination to fully relax and enjoy the sun!
Vietnam is the ultimate dream for a gorgeous view. I mean wow, it’s breathtaking from photographs never mind actually seeing it in front of my eyes. I never imagined travelling that far until I started looking at photographs of this place. So beautiful. Halong Bay is just the most dreamy place ever and if you haven’t seen photos of it you need to google it ASAP. I mean, there isn’t much land there but a nice little boat trip around that are would be amazing.
So those are the places that I’m desperate to travel to over the next few years. I think travelling will be far easier once I have a car and don’t have to rely on others for airport runs, and also we can go on lots of weekends away to cute cottages in the middle of nowhere – rather than spending a fortune on one week in a foreign country! I reckon they would be far more enjoyable with a little one anyway, and we can save the exotic countries for when he’s a little older. Ideally, I’d like a mix of both but there’s only so many holidays one can go on in a year right?!
Let me know what places you have travelled to and what you’d recommend 🙂