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Creating your dream home is something that takes time, but if, like many people, you’re impatient – it can feel like a long wait to get things exactly as you want them. There are many things that can set you back, a lack of money, a lack of ideas or perhaps even not knowing what’s possible. If you’ve got grand designs on how you’d like your dream home to be, then learn how to turn them into reality with the following tips.
Pin down your vision
The problem with ‘home inspo’ is that there is so much of it! A 10-minute session on Pinterest can see you pinning away several different ideas at once, without forming any clear direction on what you actually want. Instead of liking everything and anything, start settling on an idea or a theme and work to tailor it to suit you. Browse some of the latest interior trends, devise a wishlist and add some visuals and you’ll soon have something to work with. It doesn’t matter if the plans feel out of reach right now, you’ll nail down how you’re going to make them happen later on.
Get in the experts
Many home improvement projects need professional help, especially if you’re going to make some big changes like an extension. Start looking at the work of contemporary architects to see how they’re transforming homes and get some ideas from them. It doesn’t hurt to book a consultation to find out exactly what’s possible. You never know, your plans could end up being more affordable than you thought – allowing you to start right away! If not, you’ll have a budget to work towards and can start saving for something that you really want..
Make your home stylish and special
When you first move into your home, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Often, you’ll start with plain, neutral walls that are fine as they are – meaning you don’t always put your stamp on your home straight away. Give your home a simple and stylish makeover by painting the walls, and adding your dream decor. Styling your home on a budget is easier than you might think, and you’ll be surprised at what you can find if you look beyond IKEA and start looking at vintage or unwanted items. Stop putting off the decorating and start shaping your home to be how you want it to be.
Focus on one project at a time
Home improvement is a bit like a tube of Pringles – once you pop, you really can’t stop! Instead of getting carried away trying to tackle everyone room at once (and completing none of them!), focus on one room at a time. This will give you something to work towards and keeps the rest of your home liveable while you transform each space. This will also allow you to stick to a budget easily instead of forking out for several jobs all at once.
Making your home your own is exciting and challenging, and with some hard work, you can achieve what you really want. Start mapping out how your dream home could look and find ways to turn those grand designs into reality!