Taking the new Ford Focus for a spin to the Peak District...
Last week, as you may have seen on my social media, I hired the new Ford Focus ST-Line X from Bristol Street Motors for the week and took to it like a duck to water. I fell absolutely in love with it, I honestly don't have a single bad word to say. I have never even given any Ford cars a second look being honest (I did only pass my test last year!) but after cruising around in this bad boy all week, I can safely say I now have my eyes on one for myself...
Collecting The Car
Collecting the car was easily the scariest part of this whole experience. I only passed my test 8 months ago so I have never hired a car within that time, or driven anything other than my own little Peugeot. You just get used to your own wheels too don't you? So anyway, me, Ru and my sister took a drive out to Durham to the Bristol Street Motors Ford Dealership where I collected the car from. It was a nice drive out actually even though it's a bit of a trek from us, but then the nerves set in a bit once I got there. I'd been feeling totally cool up until that point too, I think it all just became a bit real! After getting the insurance all sorted out, I was given the keys and shown around the car, you know, what's what - that sorta thing. I got even more nervous at this point as this car was SO different to mine. Crazy different. No hand break. 6 gears. Automatic lights. A keyless engine. Powerful engine. Loads bigger. But it was fine. The second I got in the drivers seat and actually drove the car away for myself, I realised that all my fears were for nothing. It was no different to driving my own car (just a lot smoother and less noisy!) - I just took to it instantly. I remember driving my own car for the first time and it took me a good few days to get used to it so this was amazing!

We had a good 2 hour drive back home again and it was late afternoon so I made the most of the opportunity to shoot the car on the quiet country roads just outside of Whitby with the sunset in the background. How lush right? It's such a nice drive towards Middlesbrough/Newcastle from where I live as you go across the North Yorkshire Moors.

What I Loved About The Car
Wow, where do I even begin? I love everything about this car. My car is incredibly basic as I feel it's a bit of a 'beginner' car for new drivers like myself, so there were so many things in the Ford that I wish I had in mine! I loved that the lights were automatic but also how simple it was to use the lights manually too. It basically has a little dial that you move round and most of the time you don't even need to touch it and can just leave it on auto, but it was really foggy when we went out on the Thursday so I had to manually put the headlights and fog lights on. It did take me a while to figure out the lights as they never showed me how to use them at the dealership but once I'd sussed them it was a breeze. I loved the hand break on this guy too, it's basically a switch rather than a full on hand break and you don't even need to use it unless parking up. It came off automatically as soon as you hit the gas so how cool is that?! And it had a keyless ignition - not something I think is essential as I forgot the zapper a lot of the time because of this, but still really cool nonetheless! I think this is an added feature to the car so you can actually choose to just have a key system if you want one, which is something I think I'd do just because it's what I'm used to. The best part about this car easily has to be the power though, eeeee it was insane. It had SUCH a powerful engine, I went from 50 to 70 on the motorway in the blink of an eye. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a fast car? Honestly felt like I was driving a lambo or something it was so powerful and smooth to drive.

Some Of My Favourite Features
One of my favourite, favourite features was that it had sensors everywhereeeee. I'm talking, front, back, sides, on the windscreen - the lot. Perfect for those like me who are constantly worrying about hitting things. I never have FYI, but y'know - anxiety. There was also a rear camera so you could actually watch your car reversing without even looking behind you (very handy for those that are absolutely crap at reversing like myself...) It also had all the usual stuff you expect in a car like bluetooth, as well as the ability to plug your phone in via USB and have the screen at the front act as your phone screen so you can use apps like spotify and google maps - and a navigation system with voice control. I don't have any of that in my car so I took full advantage! Another cool feature was the intelligent speed limiter that kept your car at a specified maximum set speed, very, very handy for those with a black box. I loved the lane keeping system too, the sensors basically pick up the white lines in the road and help keep the car in lane. There was also a collision warning when it picked up that you were driving towards a car that had slowed right down or come to a stop, which was a loud alarm sound, something that could help prevent so many accidents on the roads so I think it's an amazing addition to a car. Every car should have one!

Road Trippin'
I had to take the car on a road trip at some point during the week having it, not only to get a nice long drive out in the car itself, but to get some gorgeous snaps too! I planned on heading to the Peak District, but little did I know it had actually been snowing really heavily over that way. I didn't think to check the weather forecast though did I? However... despite almost getting stuck in the snow the trip was so, so worth it. I got some of the most gorgeous snaps, not only of the car, but of Ru and I too. We spent most of the day staying inside the car as the temperatures were freezing and poor old Reuben hated being out of the car, he kept crying and pointing to be back in it whenever I took him out haha! Bless him. Thankfully for us the car was so comfy and warm that it didn't bother us in the slightest. We had the best time just cruising round and taking in the beautiful scenery and snow topped hills.

Cruising The Peak District
What I loved about my first visit to the Peak District was that there were so many gorgeous little villages to drive through. Even though we only got out of the car a couple of times, there were plenty of places to pull in and quickly get some snaps of the views. It was so well sign posted too, I didn't really have an idea of exactly where I was going but we actually managed to find a little shopping village at one point to stop for a loo break! There was a gorgeous little toy shop there that we took Reuben into and he fell in love with a little camper van (two actually...) so I bought him one and he's still obsessed with it now. I'm definitely heading back this way in the summer as I can imagine it's even more beautiful when all of the trees are covered in leaves again and the sun is shining over all of the lovely little lakes. I think it will be such a lovely place to stay for the weekend and go on lots of long summer walks.

Overall Thoughts On The Ford Focus ST-Line X
Overall I can just say I honestly really rate the Ford Focus ST-Line X. It's a 5 door and the boot is absolutely huge, it's just so perfect for families and those with little ones. The back of the car has plenty of room for car seats, I even managed to change Ru's nappy in the back beside his! Something that I always struggle to do in my own car as it's so tiny. I could have even used the boot as a nappy change station too because it's such a large flat space - which I would have done if it hadn't been so cold. I kept him in the warmth of the car instead! If you're a bit of a shortie like me, the front seat also has a 6-way power adjusted seat which I personally found really convenient. I'm so fussy about how I sit to drive as I tend to get quite bad neck and back ache on long road trips (I know, I'm a grandma...) It had a dual temperature control at the front too so your passengers can choose to be a bit cooler or warmer, something I think is really good because I quite often get so hot driving but I don't want Reuben to feel the cold. I could go on and on about the amazing features all day, there's so many, this car just has bloody everything! Someone stop me buying a second car because I'm so close to picking one of these up for myself...

Fancy A New Car?
Bristol Street Motors Ford are having an event between the 8th - 18th of this month which gives customers up to £1000 off a brand new car bought at their dealership, so if you've been looking at a Ford already or now have your eyes on one of these beauties, it's an offer to take advantage of. I can safely say that if I hadn't have bought my car just 8 months ago, I would 100% be looking into getting one of these. I'm absolutely sold on Ford cars now and I'm going to feel lost driving around without all of these incredible features.
What are your thoughts on the new Ford, she's a beauty right?!
~ This post is a paid collaboration with Bristol Street Motors. ~