As we get older, your relationship can become a bit duller and dare I say it – boring, compared to your younger days. I think this is particularly the case if you’ve been married for a while and that honeymoon period is long gone. It’s totally normal to get into a rut though, falling into patterns and routines – usually it’s just something that naturally happens over a long period of time. I guess that’s why we have things like marriage councillors to help us get through those rough patches and to help to bring a bit of life back to our relationships. However, it really is never too late to spice things up a little, so here are some ways in which you can do just that…
Go Back To Flirting
Flirting seems a bit school-girl like, doesn’t it? But it doesn’t have to be. A bit of flirting is fun and enjoyable, it adds some silliness and youth back to your relationship which is exactly what you need to spice things up a little. Life is meant to be silly and fun sometimes, and not always boring and serious. Put the effort in by making a few dirty jokes here and there, or playing silly jokes on one another. You could even send some flirty text messages to each other whilst at work. I’m sure you can come up with some creative ways to have lots of fun!
Add Lots Of Intimacy
Intimacy is not kissing each other on the cheek before you leave for work, real intimacy requires love and passion. Make sure there’s lots of touching and feeling, hold hands whenever you go out, snuggle up on the sofa or in bed, have a smoochy session… have a deep conversation about how you feel about each other. Being intimate is so, so important in a relationship and it should never stop.
Spice Up Your Sex Life
The physical side of a relationship is just as important as the emotional side, for a relationship to really last you need that connection. That intimacy where you are as close to each other as you can be. If you’ve lost your mojo and never feel into it, maybe try some sex toys to really spice things up and make it more fun, like a game. You could start small with a little vibrator or something kinky like some handcuffs, or you could go all out and try some strap ons and huge dildos. Whatever excites you is worth a try – extras shouldn’t be threatening, they’re just sexy and fun. Male enhancement gummies are always a good one to try if you’re a man and struggling.
Don’t Forget Date Night
Date nights can long be forgotten about when you’re deep into a relationship, but I don’t think they should ever disappear. Kids or no kids, make the effort to have at least one date night a month, or every couple of months. They don’t have to be every week, but they are important to have that one on one, alone time with your other half. You can spend the evening fine dining and catching up on each others work lives, chat about the kids, or you can just plan something fun like an outdoor cinema or a hike and just enjoy each others company. Whatever works for you as a couple is fine, just make sure you set aside that time.
Drop The Routines
Forget your routines and start being more spontaneous, surprise each other and stop being repetitive in the bedroom. Remember when you first got into a relationship and you went through that period of getting to know each other with all of the different trials, emotions and surprises? Bring some of that back and things won’t feel as boring and same-y. Don’t forget to let me know how you get on!