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Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) abroad is many people’s life-long dream. You might have heard that teaching is a rewarding job, even more so when working abroad. It allows you to meet interesting individuals, experience their cultures, and learn about their traditions. Furthermore, this job gives you the opportunity to have a major impact in your students’ lives. With the help of your lessons, your learners develop their English language skills that will enable them to improve their living conditions by finding a better job or progressing in their career.
Although teaching English abroad is an incredibly fulfilling job, it also bears a lot of responsibility. For this reason, this beautiful dream remains just that – a dream. Have I got the right personality to be a teacher in that specific country? How will I cope in an unfamiliar classroom environment? Will I be able to get used to the new culture/climate/food? These questions – and more – might be going around your head as you ponder whether to leap into a new career abroad or not. Questions and doubts are perfectly natural both about changing careers and moving abroad, as there is so much at stake, but don’t let them stop you from working towards your goals. You know what they say: if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, not the goal!
If one of your doubts is about your future destination as a teacher of English, you might find some inspiration in the TEFL destination ideas below.
The Czech Republic
This country is very popular among new and seasoned TEFL teachers alike and it is a good starting point for your new teaching career. Its central location is ideal if you are planning to do some travelling and exploring the rest of Europe.
The TEFL salary in the Czech Republic can be lower than in other countries, but life there is very affordable. Although a degree is not necessary to teach there, a TEFL qualification is a must. Many language schools provide this programme and then hire their teachers choosing from those who have attended their training course. This is a good arrangement if you want to get your qualification and check out the country before you commit to working there.
This country was overlooked by TEFL professionals for many years, but this trend has gradually changed. The mild climate, the good food, and the friendly atmosphere have been the contributing factors for this.
If you want to teach English in Portugal as a non-European, you should obtain a work permit, which is granted as soon as you are offered a job. In addition, you should apply for a visa – there are different visas depending on your country of origin. It sounds a little complicated, but it’s worth it! June and January are the best months to apply and, if selected, you should expect to start teaching a couple of months later. Portugal is not the cheapest European country to live in and TEFL salaries are between $1,300 – $1,850 USD.
From the Amazon forest to the Caribbean beaches to vibrant cities, you’ll have plenty to visit in your free time in Colombia, the happiest country in the world. This country is striving to develop and the TEFL industry there is thriving. Finding a teaching job in Colombia is quite easy, but do a thorough research on your prospective employers and their visa requirements and procedures: scams are frequent, so ask for clear information.
A university degree is not required to teach English in Colombia, but it’s preferred, while a TEFL certificate is necessary. You can expect TEFL salaries in this country to be between $500 – $1,050 USD, but the cost of living is exceptionally low.
South Korea
This is another country that never used to be on the TEFL destination list. However, with its hectic urban areas and very competitive salaries, South Korea has become a new favourite for those who want to teach English abroad. Depending on the employer, you could earn anything between $1,350 and $3,100.
The easiest and safest way to find a teaching job in South Korean public schools is through one of the government-led programmes, such as SMOE (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education), GEPIK (Gyeonggi English Program in Korea), and EPIK (English Program In Korea). If you prefer working for a private institution, you could apply to hagwons – private language academies.
This country offers a great lifestyle: free WI-FI throughout the country, efficient fast-speed trains, and exciting city life. This island in the South-East is home to the National Palace Museum, the most visited museum in the world located in Taipei, and the tallest monastery, the Chung Tai Chan Monastery, located in Puli Town.
While salaries here aren’t as high as those in South Korea, they are quite generous in Taiwan, averaging around $2,200 per month. The demand for TEFL teachers is high in this country, and finding a teaching job should be relatively easy.
Kuwait is one of the smallest countries in the world, but it is also one of the richest. If your specialty is Business English or English for Specific Purposes (ESP), you are in luck. In this country, most of the English language students are adult professionals in the oil industry who are looking to improve their language skills to make the most of their business potential.
For such a specific teacher profile, this country offers a very high salary – between $2,600 and $4,000 – and a very attractive benefit package, which includes return flights to your home country, accommodation and utility bills, transportation to and from work, and medical insurance, all paid for. In Kuwait, new teachers are welcome as long as they have the right qualifications.
One final word
Starting a new career abroad can be daunting, and it is not uncommon that fear of the unknown prevails, but this should not be the case. If your dream is to teach English abroad, don’t let your doubts put you off. With an accredited TEFL qualification and some research of the countries available to you, you should be ready to make your dreams come true.