Summer is almost upon us, and we will hopefully enjoy several weeks of unbroken sunshine during the school holidays so that families can head out on summer drives to make the most of the wonderful weather. But before you go, no matter if you’re heading to Hertfordshire to explore the delights of the south or heading to the north of England to explore gorgeous Yorkshire, here are five tyre care tips that will ensure you have safe and efficient summer drives.
Regular Checks
The first tip is quite a dull one, and it will require regular input from you. Get into the habit of looking over your tyres at regular intervals. It doesn’t have to be every single day, unless you are driving hundreds of miles every day on bad roads, but should be anywhere from weekly to fortnightly to monthly, depending on what your commute is like. Keep these checks up while you’re away from home this summer to make sure that your extra driving isn’t having an unfortunate impact on your tyres. Yorkshire’s roads, in particular, can be a bit hairy, with Snake Pass one of the two joint ‘Worst Roads in England’ with the Lake District’s Hardknott Pass! If you do spot anything concerning, you can get tyres in Stevenage today, at Ecotyre Services before you set off β or even while you are visiting Hertfordshire!
Clean and Declutter
Keeping your tyres clean is another thing that you are probably already in the habit of. But it is easy to let these chores slide β after all, you’re on holiday too! Driving on unfamiliar roads can mean that your tyres both take more of a beating and potentially accumulate more mud, dirt or debris than usual β all of which can disguise the signs of underlying damage. Keeping your vehicle clean while you’re on holiday can be a faff, but it is one work putting yourself out for: it could mean the difference between quickly spotting and correcting tyre damage or ending up with a puncture in the middle of open country and facing a lengthy wait for roadside assistance.
Rotate Bi-Annually
Rotate your tyres twice a year, and also get it done just before you go away on your summer holiday. This will mean that the parts of your tyres that face the most pressure will be the strongest aspect of the tyres for the duration of the long drives and explorations around Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, or wherever else in the UK you are going.
Summertime Inflation
As well as all of the above, make a point of checking your tyre inflation a little more than usual. Excessively hot or cold weather can affect the inflation levels of your tyres, which can see you driving on tyres that are no longer inflated to within the optimal range recommended by tyre manufacturers. A check every other time you fill the petrol tank will keep your tyres topped off, so your summer driving is as comfortable and noiseless as you might desire.
Invest in a Spare
Finally, check your boot and make sure that you have a spare tyre tucked away in there. Some modern cars come with repair kits rather than spares, which is fine β as long as you know how to use them and are prepared for the sight of a small square kit in your spare tyre well!